August 2021

Sir Knights:
I would like to share with you a correspondence I received from the Eminent Commander of Nevada Commandery No. 6 of Knights Templar, Sir Knight Reed Newcomb:
Sunday, 09/19/2021 • Constitution Day Parade
"I would appreciate your help in getting your Commandery (or as many Knights as possible) to march in our Constitution Day parade.
The parade celebrates the signing of the Constitution of the United States. It is the oldest and largest Constitution Day celebration west of the Mississippi and this will be our 55th year.
Nevada Lodge, located at 108 1/2 North Pine Street, between Broad and Commercial streets, will be open at 10am for a light breakfast with lunch served at noon. There are changing rooms available.
Click here for a MAP and directions.
Knights and their ladies are all invited. Lodge phone number is 530-285-4662. Broad and Commercial streets will be closed at noon. Parking is available on many of the town's streets and there are parking lots at the following locations:
Spring Street behind the National Hotel
North Pine Street behind the Veteran's Hall
Commercial Street by York Street
Post Office on Coyote Street
We will also be running a shuttle from Nevada County Government Center on Maidu Ave and Hwy 49 every 15 minutes.
The parade will be Sunday, September 19.
Line up for the parade begins at 1:00pm. Reenactment os the signing of the Constitution starts at 1:30pm and the parade kicks off at 2:00pm.
Dress will be full uniform with swords.
Your RSVP would be greatly appreciated."
Sir Knights, if you are interested in participating in this historic event, please RSVP to me, and, in turn, I will RSVP for our Commandery as a group.
Humbly yours,
Luis J. Montero

Last Article Submitted - June 2021:
Salutations, Companions.
June is here, and as spring is a new beginning so are we upon a new beginning as to how we come together as a Council.
The Governor is on track to remove many of the restrictions we have faced in how we are able to be among one another as Companions.
The Grand Master of Masons of California has issued updated guidance in regards to what conditions must be satisfied for in-person meetings.
We will remain bound by state, county, and state guidelines but we are on track to meet in person for our next Council meeting.
Officers, please refresh yourself on the work and I look forward to seeing you all.
Be Happy, Healthy, and Well until we meet again.
Joseph Wallach
Illustrious Master

Greetings, Companions.
We will once again meet via Zoom this month, as there are several Officers and members unavailable to meet at the Masonic Temple.
Meeting online in August will give everyone a chance to regroup and enjoy each other's virtual company. Most Excellent Companion Phil Hardiman will help us open in ample form before he heads to the airport for another one of his many journeys as Grand Secretary. Godspeed!
Please mark your calendar and join us at 9:00 AM on Saturday, 08/14/2021.
Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 810 3688 9789 • Passcode: 312
No red coat? No problem.
Just login with no video or call 669-900-6833 and enter the meeting ID and password above.
Please help us achieve a quorum.
Meanwhile, the air quality has been unhealthy due to the fires and the heatwave continues to afflict Sacramento. Please be mindful if you are planning to engage in outdoor activities.
In addition, our J Street is undergoing some asphalt work, which limits the number of lanes. Traffic has been difficult on weekdays but Saturdays seem to get quite busy as well.
Also, I must report that the parking lot at 1117 J Street has removed their payment machine and now Premier Parking only accepts payment through a phone app called Metropolis.
You will need to scan a QR code in order to pay for parking. Cash payment is no longer an option, unfortunately. The Masonic Temple is working on providing you with a better option for your parking needs.
I am hopeful that, by September, we will have solutions and good news for everyone. I would love to see our Club Room full of Companions breaking bread together next time we meet for breakfast and Masonic Education.
Chapter Officers have been studying our beautiful Ritual and looking forward to presenting it to you in the York Rite Room.
It is exciting to see Royal Arch Masonry preparing to bring new members into our Ancient and Honorable Organization.
NorCal Chapters are planning to confer Capitular Degrees this year:
Saturday, 09/25 • Alameda
Saturday, 09/25 • Yuba City (Mark Master, Past Master)
Saturday, 11/20 • Woodland (Most Excellent Master, Royal Arch Master)
Please attend if you are available, as we have at least seven Candidates joining us. They have been patiently waiting since 2020.
I am thrilled about welcoming these new Companions into our Chapter of Royal Arch Masons before year-end.
Francisco Marques
High Priest

Saturday, 08/14/2021
09:00 AM
Chapter No. 3 of Royal Arch Masons
Virtual Stated Convocation
09:30 AM
Council No 1 of Cryptic Masons
Virtual Special Assembly
Join Zoom Meeting
Or call (669) 900-6833
Meeting ID: 810 3688 9789
Passcode: 312

From the Secretary/Recorder Desk
Have you paid your 2021 dues?
If your dues cards do NOT read "member in good standing ... through December 31, 2021", then you have fallen behind and now would be a good time to catch up.
Please contact your Secretary/Recorder at Joe@JosephDongo.com or issue your dues payment at https://www.sacramentoyorkrite.org/dues
Sincerely and fraternally,
Joseph K. Dongo, KYCH
Secretary / Recorder
Book of the Month
by Piers Vaughan
The Capitular Development Course is designed to educate Royal Arch Masons, in particular, those who are members of the American or York Rite practiced in the United States and a number of other countries around the world.
While the book may certainly be read on its own, having a copy of the Holy Bible to hand would assist in understanding much of the symbolism.
This book is also intended to be used as a part of a course, run by a Facilitator, when a copy of the State Capitular Rituals should be used to accompany this course.
Upon completion of the course, the Companion may consider himself both well versed in the messages and symbolism of the Capitular Degrees, and qualified to pursue his own further education. To this end, a number of books and courses recommended for further study are given at the end of this book.
About the Author
Piers A. Vaughan is an author and translator of Masonic and esoteric works, particularly from 18th and 19th Century France. In his translations, he hopes to bring important works to the attention of the English-speaking world.
He was born in Brighton, England, and attended Brighton College, Oxford, and Cranfield Universities. He was an avid musician, singing in a local church, playing several instruments, conducting and composing; he was also a keen fencer and enjoyed appearing in local plays. He even appeared as an extra in 'Star Wars' and 'Quadrophenia'!
He has an MA in Psychology, an MBA in Business Studies and an MA in Divinity. He has worked for a number of banks, including Midland, HSBC, and Deutsche Bank, living in several countries, moving to the USA in the early 1990s.
His Masonic membership began in England in 1979, and he joined a number of Orders before joining St. John's Lodge No. 1 in New York. He has traveled extensively across the USA and in many countries abroad giving lectures on a number of topics, ranging from history to talks on the symbols and esotericism of Masonry. An interest in 18th Century French Masonic Ritual led him to translate a number of important treatises and rituals into English.
He is also very involved in a number of Orders outside of Freemasonry, predominantly ones that have an esoteric background, and is also the head of a church descended from the Pre-Nicene Church of Richard, Duc de Palatine.
He is a member of The Authors Guild.
ISBN-10 : 0981542115
ISBN-13 : 978-0981542119
Video of the Month​
Sacramento Chapter No. 3 of Royal Arch Masons
Sacramento Council No. 1 of Cryptic Masons
Sacramento Commandery No. 2 of Knights Templar
Companion Adept of the Temple Program

Sacramento York Rite NEWS
Monthly Publication
Sacramento Masonic Temple
1123 J Street
Sacramento CA 95814
Francisco Marques
(916) 832-8357
Richard Wilson
Editor Emeritus