January 2025
Sir Knights,
I want to thank all of you for your constant support and cooperation throughout 2024. When I asked for help, you were there for me.
My predecessor left me a good Commandery, and I tried my best to keep up the good work.
Congratulations to Sir Knight Jesse Solis-Jacques on being elected Commander for 2025.
I will say farewell for now; being Commander was a good experience, which brought me a very good and rewarding feeling.
Happy New Year!
Andrew Grajeda
2024 has ended, and as I reflect on what we accomplished, I couldn't be happier.
My year as Illustrious Master has flown by; I see the looks of other Past Illustrious Masters as they nod knowingly. They understand that the time of an Illustrious Master is fleeting. It seems you just figure out how to steer the ship, and then the next thing you know, you are in port.
I have learned that it does not matter whether you steer to port or starboard. What matters is the crew you steer with. The crew for my year was the best anyone could ask for. The Officers of 2024 are what made this term a great success.
Congratulations to Excellent Companion Andrew Grajeda on being elected to lead Sacramento Council No. 1 of Cryptic Masons. He is a good man and has a good annual plan in place this year.
His heart is big, and he is deeply involved with the York Rite in general. He has also been a great supporter of our Council.
Please bring any ideas to the new Illustrious Master and be ready to pitch in and help with events or serve on committees. The Companion Adept of the Temple program would be a good place to start. Let's rekindle the flame of Masonic Education in the York Rite!
Last year, Companion Jairo Gomez introduced a new idea of forming a “York Rite Degree Team” to help Blue Lodges put on their Second Degrees.
This will give us a presence at different Blue Lodges. The team will wear either Red, Purple, or Blue Blazers and will be given a chance to explain the York Rite Body of each color of blazer that is present.
This is an excellent way to spread knowledge of the York
Rite. Grand York Rite has been talking about this for a while.
Let’s see if we can be the ones to make it happen in 2025.
Dave Cobb
Illustrious Master
Happy New Year, Companions!
I hope that each of you are able to spend time with family and friends gathered around the table eating lots of food and celebrate the true meaning of these holidays.
We are blessed to live in the greatest country of the world where our first responders and military provide us with the freedoms that we have and enjoy.
As I write my final newsletter, I want to express my gratitude to each of you for having the faith in me to serve as your High Priest. It truly has been my distinct honor to lead our Chapter.
I want to thank all the officers who served this year, but a special thanks to Recorder EC Dongo and Treasurer EC Viray, who ensured that all our records and finances were in order.
In 2024, we were able to confer the Mark Master & Past Master degrees at our Temple, and as a result, we welcomed 8 new Companions into our Chapter!
Now, our challenge is to find ways to get them involved. I believe that you get out of an organization what you put into it.
Congratulations to the Companions elected and appointed to serve our Chapter this year!
I ask each of you to get behind them and support them in the same manner that you have done for me.
Let’s continue our efforts in growing our membership and building a bigger and stronger Chapter.
Each month, in the newsletter, I write about the fire alarm control panel situation and the required fire watch at the Sacramento Masonic Temple.
The dollar amounts approved by the Hall Association in July 2025 were:
**The project estimate of $36,748.88 and a contingency of $15,000.
**A 31 day retainer for 24 hour fire watch totaling $26,040, as required by the Fire Marshal.
**Past due and current bills totaling $20,000.00.
Sacramento RAM Chapter #3 holds shares representing 13.06% ownership. We have been asked by the Hall Association to pay portions of these bills according to the percentage of ownership. Therefore, our total based on 13.06% ownership is $12,771.22.
Our Chapter does not have the necessary funds to cover this
payment. We are currently exploring some options to meet this financial obligation in lieu of forfeiting any shares.
Companions, if you are able, I am asking you to donate on a monthly or annual basis to assist our Chapter in this financial matter.
It is imperative that Sacramento RAM Chapter #3 seek avenues to fundraise this next year to meet upcoming financial obligations. If you have any suggestions or ideas, we welcome your input.
Our Annual Installation of Officers is on Saturday, January 11th at 9:00 AM. The incoming Officers will be installed by MEC David Sokol, Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of California.
Please make every effort to attend and support the officers who have made the commitment to serve. In the words of Sam Jaber, “You’ll be glad you did.”
Eric Johnson
High Priest
Saturday, 01/11/2024
1123 J Street
09:00 AM
Chapter No. 3 of Royal Arch Masons
Annual Installation of Officers
David Cobb, High Priest-Elect
Andrew Grajeda, King-Elect
William Erdman, Scribe-Elect
10:00 AM
Council No. 1 of Cryptic Masons
Annual Installation of Officers
Andrew Grajeda, Illustrious Master-Elect
John McCoy, Deputy Master-Elect
William Erdman, PCW-Elect
11:00 AM
Commandery No. 2 of Knights Templar
Annual Installation of Officers
Jesse Solis-Jacques, Commander-Elect
John McCoy, Generalissimo-Elect
John Delucchi, Captain General-Elect
*** *** *** *
Catered Reception Following
Joseph Dongo
*** *** *** *
Monday, 01/13/2025
1123 J Street
07:00 PM
Mark Master Degree Practice
From the Secretary / Recorder Desk
Have you paid your 2025 dues?
If your dues cards do NOT read "member in good standing ... through December 31, 2025", then you have fallen behind, and now would be a good time to catch up.
Please contact your Secretary/Recorder at Joe@JosephDongo.com or make a payment at https://www.sacramentoyorkrite.org/dues
Sincerely and fraternally,
Joseph K. Dongo, KYCH
Secretary / Recorder
Sacramento Chapter No. 3 of Royal Arch Masons
Sacramento Council No. 1 of Cryptic Masons
Sacramento Commandery No. 2 of Knights Templar
Companion Adept of the Temple Program
Sacramento York Rite NEWS
Sacramento Masonic Temple
1123 J Street
Sacramento CA 95814
Francisco Marques
Richard Wilson
Editor Emeritus