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March 2024


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Sir Knights,

Thank you to all who attended our Conclave on February 10th. It warms my heart to see each and every one of you from the East.


As I write this, this past week has been extremely rainy. Although I am not one for the rain, it is much needed and reminds us of cleansing. Many religions across the world view water as a symbol of cleansing.


As we await our next Conclave to meet again, we too may think of this interim period as cleaning and come out anew with fresh ideas, mindsets, and spirits.


Please find some highlights below for this 2024 Templar year:


  • Conclave minutes will be emailed out for the benefit of the Commandery and therefore they will not be re-read during the Conclave. This will ensure that everyone can see the minutes even if they are not in attendance and also help cut down on the meeting time.


  • Interested in becoming a Blue Lodge Ambassador? Let me know! I am currently assembling a committee of volunteers to be on my Blue Lodge Ambassador Committee so that we may let the local lodges know of Templar events and to be present at the raising of local Masons.


  • Does your Blue Lodge need a Flag Presentation? Let me know! As part of my lodge outreach program, I have created a flyer (please see below) to be shared so that local lodges, organizations, or events may contact us for a flag presentation.


As always, for officers, if you cannot make a stated Conclave, please find a replacement as you would in Blue Lodge, so that there is no interruption with our nine-man opening.


I look forward to seeing you at the next Conclave on March 9th .


Warmest Fraternal Regards,

Andrew Grajeda


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Companions of Sacramento Council No. 1:

I would like to begin by extending a Fraternal Welcome to all the recent Companions of Sacramento Council No. 1. And to send a Grateful Thank You to Past Illustrious Master Jesse Solis-Jacques for the great job last year, and welcome his support to continue and build on the same this year.


Our first big event will be the conferral of the Cryptic Degrees in Auburn on Saturday,  April 20th at 09:00 AM. Let’s try to have a good representation to welcome our new Companions and enjoy the Ritual and festivities.


Then come Sessions in May, from the 17th through the 20th. This is a great opportunity to witness the business of the York Rite Bodies in action and enjoy some great dinners and fellowship. Also, we may need someone to carry the vote for Sacramento Council No. 1. If you are interested in attending, please contact me.


It would be great if we could resume “The Companion Adept of the Temple Program” this year. For those of you who haven’t heard of this, it is a home study course on the ancient History and Ritual of the Bodies of the York Rite. It uses a number of old and newer books that can be downloaded for free online.


We started it but had to stop because of the pandemic shutdown. We have talks and a review of the lessons at the Stated Meeting Breakfasts. If we get a group together, we can start over from the beginning. I believe the registration fee is only $20 or $35. We can discuss it at the Stated Assembly this month.


I hope to see you all then.


Dave Cobb

Illustrious Master

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Dear Companions,


Our 2024 Capitular Year has begun.


I want to take this opportunity to thank our Chapter for having the faith in me to lead our organization this year. It is truly an honor to serve as your High Priest and I promise to fulfill my duties to the best of my ability.


On February 10th I attended the 4-Way Reception at the Woodland Masonic Center sponsored by the Sacramento - Sierra York Rite Association.


On behalf of our Chapter, I presented Most Excellent Thomas C. Chavez, Grand High Priest of Royal Arch Masons, with an Honorary Lifetime Membership Certificate as well as a donation to him and 1st Lady Angie for their projects.


We also presented Most Worshipful, G. Sean Metroka, Grand Master of Masons in California with an Honorary Lifetime Membership Certificate as well as a donation to him and 1st Lady Margaret for their projects.


On February 26th, at the Sacramento Masonic Temple, the Sacramento Valley York Rite Sovereign College in association with Union-Tehama Lodge No. 3, Washington Lodge No. 20, Sacramento Lodge No. 40, and General Douglas MacArthur Lodge No. 853 conferred the Mark Master Degree.


This degree was offered for free to all Master Masons. A dinner was provided after the degree to allow time for fellowship and also to provide the opportunity for our members to connect with the new Mark Master Masons.


It is our hope that the new Companions saw the value in our lessons and will continue their journey to Royal Arch Masons. This was a great opportunity for members of this Chapter to show their support to our Companions who portrayed the ritual work and also to share your experiences with the new Mark Master Masons why York Rite Masonry is important to us.


March is going to be a busy month!


On March 11th, at the Sacramento Masonic Temple, the Past Master Degree will be conferred at 6:00 PM, and on March 23rd, at the Woodland Masonic Center, the Most Excellent Master and Royal Arch Degrees will be conferred at 10:00 AM.


I am planning to have a night out with our Ladies sometime this summer. Hopefully, the other two bodies will want to join us and we can make it a joint venture.


I feel it’s important to recognize that special person in our life who supports us in all we do for the different Masonic organizations we belong to. We always say it’s only one night a month but that adds up when you belong to multiple organizations. I will keep you posted as things progress.

Speaking of the Ladies, last month we celebrated Valentine’s Day. I hope that all of you were able to celebrate this occasion with that special person in your life.


Our next regularly scheduled Chapter Convocation is April 13th at 9:00 AM. Please make every effort to attend and support our Officers who have made the commitment to serve.




Eric Johnson

High Priest

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Saturday, 03/09/2024

1123 J Street

08:15 AM

Breakfast and Fellowship

09:00 AM

Council No. 1 of Cryptic Masons

Stated Assembly

10:00 AM

Commandery No. 2 of Knights Templar

Stated Conclave




Numerous Festivals are planned for 2024. 


Of particular note are:

Sacramento: 1123 J Street

March 11, 2024 (06:00 PM)

Past Master

Woodland: 228 Palm Avenue

March 23, 2024 (10:00 AM)

Most Excellent Master

Royal Arch Master

Auburn: 956-1/2 Lincoln Way

April 20, 2024 (09:00 AM)    

Council Degrees

Sacramento: 1123 J Street

June 15, 2024 (09:00 AM)

Commandery Orders


East Bay: 2312 Alameda Blvd

September 14, 2024

Chapter Degrees

September 28, 2024

Council Degrees

October 12, 2024

Commandery Orders

Colorado River: 

Riverside Hotel, Laughlin, NV

October 20, 2024 (07:00 PM)

Registration and Orientation

October 21, 2024

Chapter Degrees

Council Degrees

October 22, 2024

Commandery Orders


San Bernardino:

2880 N. Arrowhead Avenue

March 13, 2024 (07:00 PM)

Council Degrees

April 6, 2024 (09:00 AM)

Commandery Orders

Red Bluff: 822 Main Street

March 9, 2024 (09:00 AM)

Mark Master and Past Master

Yuba City: 501 2nd Street

March 16, 2024 (09:00 AM)

Mark Master and Past Master



From the Secretary / Recorder Desk

Have you paid your 2024 dues? 


If your dues cards do NOT read "member in good standing ... through December 31, 2024", then you have fallen behind, and now would be a good time to catch up. 

Please contact your Secretary/Recorder at or make a payment at 

Sincerely and fraternally,

Joseph K. Dongo, KYCH
Secretary / Recorder

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The Book of the Chapter
by Albert G. Mackey

The objects of the author in the preparation of the present work has been to place in the hands of every Royal Arch Mason a book in which he may find a lucid explanation, so far as the laws of our institution will permit, of all that has excited his curiosity or attracted his interest in the Chapter degrees, and above all, to furnish an elementary treatise of easy comprehension on the symbolism of Royal Arch Masonry.


The plan upon which it has been written is a novel and hitherto untried one. Yet he thinks that he knows enough, from past experience of the wants of young as well as of old masons, to authorize him to anticipate, with some confidence, its favorable acceptance by the Craft.

This book has been adopted by the Companion Adept of the Temple Program, which is the study course communicated by the Illustrious Master of Council No. 1 of Cryptic Masons, Excellent Companion Dave Cobb, in this month's newsletter.

ISBN-10 : 8417732969
ISBN-13 : 978-8417732967

Purchase Book




Video of the Month​






Contact Us


Sacramento Chapter No. 3 of Royal Arch Masons

Sacramento Council No. 1 of Cryptic Masons

Sacramento Commandery No. 2 of Knights Templar


Companion Adept of the Temple Program


Masonic Education


How to Join


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Sacramento York Rite NEWS

Sacramento Masonic Temple

1123 J Street
Sacramento CA 95814

Francisco Marques

Richard Wilson
Editor Emeritus

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